oin Revelers in this on-going Q&A series spotlighting Women Inspiring Women. This week's special guest is Varda Yoran!
Coronavirus has required all of us to confront the intersection of aging and disease susceptibility. Varda Yoran has raised her voice as an advocate for the value of each life no matter the age, in a time when we are seeing not only the devastating impact of disease on the elderly, but when some worst case scenarios have brought age into the equation of acute medical care.
Revel is incredibly pleased to have Ms. Yoran join us for this Inspiring Women Q&A as she is the embodiment of why we launched Revel -- exercising one's choice to define life over 50.
In a recent Huffington Post guest writer article, Ms. Yoran spoke out about how age should neither mitigate the fullness of a life nor the profoundness of a life lost.
At 90, Ms. Yoran sculpts, reads, writes, runs a philosophy club, and is more than comfortable with technology. She started a foundation that helps immobile seniors. This cause is an extension of her belief that while the activities of life may change, the enjoyment of that life and the right to live it does not.
Revel Host: Stephanie O'Dell
How it will Work: There will be brief opening remarks by Stephanie, follow by about ten minutes with Varda sharing her story. This leaves the bulk of the time for your questions. Please feel free to send questions in advance to: support@hellorevel.com. We will also take questions during the event.
How to Gather: Your registration email will have the Zoom meeting information. Once you register the event page will display the Zoom meeting information.
Then 24 hours before this event you will receive an email reminder. 🤓 You will need Zoom installed so make sure you download Zoom before so you don't have a last-minute scramble.
If you are interested in attending and the event is sold out, email support@hellorevel.com with the name of the gathering and we will put you on the waitlist (spots often open up closer to the event)
Must be a Revel Member to Attend: Join at www.hellorevel.com